Monday, November 3, 2008

Time is flying

I don't know about you, but I could swear that time actually ticks faster between Halloween and Christmas! Now that Halloween is over, I can just see Christmas coming at me so fast that I think it will slam me on my butt.

I have a ton of projects coming up (among other things: Young Women Night of Excellence, projects for Grandma Farmer, FINALS, and Christmas), so I thought I would squeek in one more layout before things get really hectic.

I must clarify (for those of you who received some of these sugar cookies) that Jarrett didn't lick the frosting knife until AFTER the cookies were all frosted :)

I hope you had a fun Halloween like we did!


Carlie said...

I love your pages! the cookies look yummy- you know sugar cookies can be mailed... hee hee! Don't let life get too crazy and hectic for you! We are coming over for Thanksgiving, wanna get together over the weekend? Are you going to the Twilight movie? See you soon!


